shed homes bathurst
For top quality sheds and garages in bathurst nsw, call the expert team at wide span sheds. with a number of different building designs, and the ability to custom. Steel kit homes. sheds n homes offer a wide range of superbly designed steel kit homes, making these affordable housing solutions more than just a home, but a way of. We have 14 ads found for properties for rent from $550. properties with photos for your search for rent shed bathurst..

One of our dream kit homes, the bathurst features open plan living with cathedral ceilings and four bedrooms. learn about this steel framed kit home. call 1800 764 764.. Sheds n homes bathurst are a local business but apart of national steel giant steelx. thorough r&d has gone on to create your ideal shed and garage. call 1800 764 764.. Australia's leading seller of steel farm sheds, barns, garages, industrial and commercial buildings, kit homes, stables and arenas. call us: 1300 94 33 77.
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